Gallery Etiquette: Cultivating a Positive Space for Expression

Welcome to the Gallery of Peace, a space where positivity and mindful expression flourish. We believe in the profound connection between neurological processes such as the language we use and the behavioral patterns we convey to others, recognizing that these elements can be transformed to achieve specific life goals, including the pursuit of Peace. This means that language matters and mindset is important in how we interact with one another.

As we attempt to create a more peaceful world, it is imperative that we extend inexhaustible kindness to our fellow humankind. We encourage thoughtful comments that reflect the transformative power of language in shaping our collective experience. While constructive critique is acceptable, limit such comments to only those requesting such input, we kindly ask that all criticism is first prefaced with kindness. Words matter.

To maintain the harmonious atmosphere we cherish, all comments require log-in to the platform. This necessary precaution allows us to exclude individuals who breach our positive behavior guidelines. In this way, every community member is thoughtfully contributing to a peace-filled future with their efforts toward mindful expression.


Project Create Peace is a spiritual, social, and creative experiment to inspire a more peaceful world.

  • Kaydi Hummel

    Location: Waterloo

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  • April Lewis-Burns

    Location: Marion

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  • Ashlynn

    Location: Iowa

    Written by phMediaStudio
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  • Xene Abraham

    Location: Iowa

    Written by phMediaStudio
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  • Saskia Cornish

    Location: Oxfordshire England

    Written by phMediaStudio
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